Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 1 - Our first day in Paris

The kids and Tricia arrived on Tuesday June 7.  The kids loved flying on an Air France 747 plane.  Grace exclaimed it is the best airplane ever and she always wants to fly with Air France.  They were slightly disappointed that they didn't have enough clout to fly in the upper deck of the plane.  Besides barely making the connecting flight (they had to go from terminal A to terminal E in Boston which included going through security again), there weren't any exciting things that happened.  Jack was patiently waiting for everyone at Cafe le Poste, the cafe in front of the apartment.  Since the kids slept very little (Jackson got about 3 hours of winks), we did a little walking and a little shopping for the day.  Jack had gifts from Provence including a head piece for Grace and black and white Pokeman cards in French for Jackson.  It was early to bed for all.

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